TaRa LaFey

Sunday, December 17, 2006

...a sense of going...

"We live, as it were, upon the front edge of an advancing wave-crest, and our sense of a determinate direction in falling forward is all we cover of the future of our path."
William James

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Onde o tempo não chega a mente desprende-se
e o amanhã já não mais é ou será...
Longe caminha sua ilusão.
Quando o agora é pleno os outros todos aqui estão.
Muito presente reluz a experiência que deles fica
ainda pulsando
desligando-se deles
tornando-se eu.
Porque parte do que sou vem deles.
Dos que por mim passaram.

- ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ : TàЯä ŁạFĕγ : ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ -

Saturday, December 09, 2006

"destination : illumination"

"1:1 - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
1:2 - And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
1:3 - And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
1:4 - And God saw the light, that it was good: "

"Que hoje haja paz interior.
Que você confie no seu mais alto poder.
Você está exatamente aonde você deve estar.
Que você não se esqueça das infinitas possibilidades que nascem da fé.
Que você se alegre de saber que é filha de Deus e da Deusa.
Deixe que a Presença Divina penetre seus ossos
e dê à sua alma
a liberdade de cantar, dançar, elogiar e amar.
Ela está à disposição de cada um de nós."

"Que a luz brilhe dentro de mim.
Que minha aura seja iluminada.
Que possa iluminar a vida dos outros e meu próprio caminho."

Friday, December 08, 2006

do amigo Jeremias

"Espaço, de vida.
Tudo caminha.
Mesmo quando estamos parados, caminhamos.
Nunca rejeite nem negue nada do que está acontecendo.
Viva tudo que tiver que viver, como souber viver.
Nunca questione se a maneira como fez foi certa ou errada.
Lembre-se, foi a maneira como fez.
Como um quadro.
Os quadros são como a vida.
Vai-se dando pinceladas.
É isso aí.

Gypsy Spirit

Les pieds à terre et la tête dans les nuages...
- je vais -
Je parle un langage stellaire
- je suis ici -
Souffle de vie
et d'amour.
Mon corps,
temple de mon esprit,
est mon vaisseau.
Demeure de la divinité qui en moi vit,
je le pare des plus belles couleurs
je béni ses formes
je lui donne de la vie :
- amour -
Je suis en vie
j'aime la vie

- ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ : TàЯä ŁạFĕγ : ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ -

"Busca a alegria e a energia da Terra te dará a libertação."

Thursday, December 07, 2006

"freefalling upwards"

inner light
"What is mind? Once you know the answer, disidentify yourself from it...
...do and act on only that which makes you more joyous, fulfills you, gives you contentment, makes your life a work of art, a beauty...
Once your awareness becomes a flame, it burns up the whole slavery that the mind has created. There is no blissfulness more precious than freedom, than being a master of your own destiny."
Osho, From the False to the Truth, chapter 7.


"Pain is natural; it has to be understood, it has to be accepted. Because naturally we are afraid of pain, naturally we avoid it. Hence many people have avoided the heart and are hung up in the head, they live in the head. The heart gives pain, true, but only because it can give pleasure--that's why it gives pain. Pain is the way that pleasure arrives; agony, the door that ecstasy enters. If one is aware of it, one accepts the pain as a blessing. Then suddenly the quality of the pain immediately starts changing. You are no longer antagonistic to it, and because you are no longer antagonistic to it, it is no longer pain; it is a friend. It is a fire that is going to cleanse you. It is a transmutation, a process, in which the old will go and the new will arrive, in which the mind will disappear and the heart will function in its totality. Then life is a benediction."
Osho Transformation Tarot : 38. Transmutation - Atisha's Heart Meditation

walking in mysteries

As I walk in mysteries
Each step brings me forward in growth
And everyday is another opportunity to glow
To give thanks
And to praise Life in all its forms of expression
As I wake up from the dream world
Another one presents itself to my eyes
And the rules change
But the experience keeps going on
A unique flow of life of death of light of infinite being
Trapped inside my head lives an elf and a fairy
A demon and an angel
The seer and the seen
And it’s calling for life
I am alive
Expression of the Creator
Creature in action
Becoming creation itself
I evolve into my ideas
The ideas of Thou

- ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ : TàЯä ŁạFĕγ : ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ -

"We all walk in Mysteries." Goethe


Caminho pela paz
Mas sou uma caminhante de caminhos internos
E almejo àquilo que poucos têm a coragem de encontrar
Busco a mim mesma
Em mim mesma
Aspiro àquele silêncio interno que não pode ser descriTo
Busco Aquele que está acima de tudo
Caminhando pelos caminhos Daquela que tudo nos deu.
Esses caminhos que percorro têm vales e montanhas
Deuses e Demônios
Eu e o mundo
Sei sem saber onde eles levam
Mas busco sem cessar o caminho de volta a casa
A morada da Deusa que adormece dentro de mim.
E cada dia é um novo amanhecer
na fria quente alegre exuberante roda da minha vida
...da nossa vida...
Abro os olhos à nova oportunidade que se renova a cada instante
E sinto
Porque sentir é essencial
Se falo não calo
Mas se calo falo com os olhos
Assim sendo que tudo nada mais é do que interação
E presença eterna, pulsante, cantante...
Conto as histórias que me são reveladas,
Conto histórias de ninguém,
Conto porque elas tomam vida.
Conto porque gosto de ser estar e compartilhar.
Mas se por acaso um dia as histórias se acabarem
Então é que o infinito se revelará.
E eu terei chegado ao meu destino.
Silenciosamente então cantarei Músicas divinas
As músicas do universo.
E serei tudo que move
...e tudo que espera.

- ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ : TàЯä ŁạFĕγ : ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ -

"Open your Eyes and look Within." Bob Marley

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

the warrior's reminder

"i am awake,
my mind is free,
i am creative,
i love myself,
my willpower is strong,
i am brave,
i practise patience,
i dont judge folks,
i give not to receive,
i dont expect,
i accept,
i listen more than i talk,
i know i'll change,
i'll hold on one more day,
i start over when necessary,
i create my own situations,
i am cosmic,
i don't have the answers,
i desire to learn,
i am the plan,
i am strong,
i am weak,
i want to grow,
i know i will,
i take on responsibility,
i hide myself from no one,
i'm on my path,
warriors walk alone.
i wont let my focus change.
taking out the demons in my range."

waking up kundalinis in spiral dances

"ALARM CALL I have walked this earth and watched people I can be sincere and say I like them you can't say no to hope can't say no to happiness I want to go on a mountain-top with a radio and good batteries and play a joyous tune and free the human race from suffering I'm no fucking Buddhist but this is enlightenment the less room you give me the more space I've got this is an alarm-call so wake-up wake-up now today has never happened and it doesn't frighten me." Björk

On the Path of Freedom

NO matter how long shall I walk to reach that place of light and peace inside of me,
that Great Mystery from which we all come from,
I’ll be walking the ways of Gaïa…

Companions, they come and go
but my essence is not attachment
because we are all One single Universal Mind.

Speaking Her Truth…
I’ll be walking in peace…
for Love is my path,
a Love which is ineffable,
and in beauty, I soar into the unknowable.

There is nobody to stop me from my journey anymore
for my growing aloneness is now a gift
of silence
from which I cannot depart.

Inside of me, mountains and blue skies
are uniting in celebration of being.

…an ecstatic affect of freedom bursting at every single breath…
…on my way...
Neither gone nor arrived,
but eternally evolving, becoming and unfolding as Kundalini spirals do.

Blessed be.
Walk in peace.
Don’t run.
Don’t stop…
Just keep breathing.
Inhaling beauty.
Integrating the Universe.

- ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ : TàЯä ŁạFĕγ : ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ -

je suis

"You are the center of the only universe you will ever ever really know." Terence McKenna

Je suis musique.
Je suis création.
Je suis évolution constante.
Je suis une onde infinie d’amour.
Je suis de beauté entourée
Je suis la Déesse en devenir.
Je suis prêtresse.
Je suis Amazone.
Je suis TaRa.
Je suis toutes les femmes du monde.
Je suis vision infinie.
Je suis conscience universelle.
Je suis la porte et je suis la clé.
Je suis la princesse psychédélique qui danse la danse cosmique de Shiva.
Je suis Shakti.
Je suis la Terre Mère
qui se déhanche à travers les espaces infinis de l’univers.
Je suis joie.
Je suis tristesse.
Je suis toi en moi.
Nous sommes.
Deux expressions.
Une même réalité.
- ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ : TàЯä ŁaFĕγ : ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ -

«Loin d’être étrangers à l’Univers,
nous nous insérons dans une aventure qui se poursuit sur des distances de milliards d’années lumière.
Nous sommes les enfants d’un cosmos qui nous a donné naissance
après une grossesse de quinze milliards d’années.
Comme dans la tradition hindouiste, les pierres et les étoiles sont nos sœurs. »
Hubert Reeves